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Date: Wed, 9 Jun 93 19:40:56 PDT
From: The Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
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Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #117
To: info-mac-list@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU
Info-Mac Digest Wed, 9 Jun 93 Volume 11 : Issue 117
Today's Topics:
[*] attoClock 1.2.4
[*] AutoDoubler 2.0.1 Patcher
[*] B&C Encyclopedia
[*] BabyLabyrinth_1.0.4
[*] Balthazar 1.0
[*] card/x/script-manager-utilities.hqx
[*] Carpetbag 1.3.8 package
[*] ChangeCase XFCN 1.1
[*] ChangeMaker 2.0
[*]ChessWriter 4.1s submission
[*] C Interpreter Source Code
[*] CopyDoubler2.0Demo.sea.hqx
[*] Cursors for HyperCard stacks
[*] digital-camera-07b.hqx
[*] fast-switchers-15.hqx
[*] File-Type-Creator.list
[*] FileMaker_Pro_TaskWizard1.2.hqx
[*] Glidel 1.0: an in to Drag-n-Drop on the Apple Menu
[*] HP_Deskwriter_V4.0
[*] HQXer 1.0 (2 msgs)
[*] Inside Mac Games / June '93
[*] mac-mines-201.hqx
[*] MacGS 2.5.2b3.hqx (1 of 1)
[*] Mac HTTP (World-Wide Web) Server
[*] MacNews 1.0 submission (comm software)
[*] MaelstromCombo.cpt.hqx
[*] Manual ARA Connections
[*] MemSim 1.0
[*] Menu Dropper 7.1b4 -- submission --
[*] pegged-21.hqx
[*] quadra-700-clock-charts-2.hqx
[*] Source code to XLisp 2.1e for Macintosh
[*] tardis-timelord-pkg.sea.hqx
[*] ted-4d-database.hqx
[*] Tiny Saver 2.2
[*] XLisp 2.1e for Macintosh
2-page mono/gray monitors with Centris
Address/Phone/Driver for EMAC CD maker?
A Farewell
Anybody ever heard of QualPro?
Any such thing as Mac XWindows? (Q)
AppleShare server as Net News Server (Q)
Backup over Sparc Tape unit (A)
Borderline FAQ
Capturing a Postcript Document
Centris 610 e-net
Date Book Demo
DaynaPORT Drivers v7.5.1 (Q)
DeskWriter Eats Pages
Folder-from-Hell (R)
Frequent crashes (R)
FTP Site for QuickTime Moovies
hiding printers in a given zone (A)
How to read MacWrite Pro files w/ Word 4?
LaserWriter 8 drivers and Pathworks
LaserWriter Start Page (R)
LC upgrade/external HD casing
living...without mouse feet
LW 8.0 and Larger Print Area
Mac ftp sites
Mac II video Utility cdev
MacX with OpenWindows
MAJOR Powerpoint 3.0 BUG!
PageMaker 4.2 and LaserWriter 7.1.2, round # 2
PowerPoint 3.0 Slow?
Q: Audiomedia card and the SE/30
Quadra/MIDI Prob Summary
SCCI Ethernet Problems (Ide
screen saver (Q)
Shareware opportunity
Sound Input Device (SID) components
Stage Direction/Set Design Software...
startup items
SupraFAX on a Quadra ?????
System 6 Holdouts / Compatibility warnings...
Translator & Update Request
Vaporware withdrawal...MacBoutique (A)
Vaporware Withdrawal Symptoms (A)
WorldScript how to (Q)
The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa and Gordon Watts.
The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[]. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.
Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Date: 31 May 1993 12:02:09 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [*] attoClock 1.2.4
attoClock 1.2.4
The way-tiny, minuscule, little clock program.
Copyright (C) 1993 Fred Condo, Ph.D. All rights reserved.
What it is
attoClock is a very small application (6434 bytes) for System 7 that displays
a digital clock in a small window. It has intentionally few features. It
displays the hour and minute, respecting the time format you have set in your
control panels. It doesnt display seconds or the date or ring chimes or
display movies or pictures or animations. Just the time.
Version history
1.2.4 Changed resource and code to prevent the windows brief appearance in
its default location before moving to the user-specified location. Released
1.2.3 Set the "Get Front Clicks" bit so that the window can be moved in a
single action even when attoClock is in the background. Not publicized.
1.2.2 Changed from ReleaseResource to DisposHandle to dispose of the menu
block returned by GetNewMBar. Not publicized as an update because the bugs
only consequence seems to be the loss of a few bytes.
1.2.1 Moved call that brings the Finder to the front from EventLoop() to the
handler of the open-application AppleEvent. Added (mostly for thoroughness)
code to check for the presence of the Process Manager before using the
Process Manager to bring the Finder to the front. Not publicized as an update
because no version of the System Software has the features checked for in
version 1.2 while lacking the Process Manager.
1.2 Completely redesigned memory management. AppleEvent-awareness added.
Right-justification of time in window added. Brings Finder to the front
rather than remaining the active application at launch time.
1.1.2 Enabled formatting unreadable diskettes. Not released.
1.1.1 Removed needless Edit menu. Not released.
1.1 Added date to about box. Not released.
1.0.1 Changed file permission from Write to Read in the preferences reading
function. Also added time to about box and setting the cursor to the arrow on
activate events. Not released.
1.0 Initial release.
[Archived as /info-mac/app/atto-clock-12.hqx; 21K]
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 93 14:10:58 PST
From: HarriRehnberg@salient.com (Salient Software)
Subject: [*] AutoDoubler 2.0.1 Patcher
This file is being uploaded to replace corrupted copies reported on
the sumex site and its mirrors. This patcher is no different from
the previous 2.0.1 patcher.
[Archived as /info-mac/cmp/auto-double-201-patcher.hqx; 241K]
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 93 17:36:08 CDT
From: Troy D Evans (SESInc)876-2291 <tevans@redstone-emh2.army.mil>
Subject: [*] B&C Encyclopedia
Dear Moderators:
I have been requested to re-submit this stack due to complications in the
previous one submitted. I am not yet familiar with how the archives new
layout, so please place this in the proper folder.
As a reminder. This demo hypercard stack by MacSpect will help user figure
out what some of these system type errors are and how to deal with them.
Take Care
[Archived as /info-mac/demo/bc-encyclopedia.hqx; 309K]
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 93 12:03:35 MET DST
From: Simone Bettini 227678/il <space@maya.stanford.edu>
Subject: [*] BabyLabyrinth_1.0.4
BabyLabyrinth1.0.4: 1993 Bettini Simone.
A simple game for children: a labyrinth to walk across with some nice
characters, to reach a little prize.
Bettini Simone : <space@sabrina.dei.unipd.it>
a new version of the game I sent you some time ago.
It should replace the previous one and should be archived as
[Archived as /info-mac/game/baby-labyrinth-104.hqx; 601K]
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 93 13:27:52 -0400
From: tdh@po.CWRU.Edu (Thomas D. Halter)
Subject: [*] Balthazar 1.0
After searching the net for a program to play Windows .WAV files on the
Macintosh, someone pointed out this program to me, so I am sharing it
with the net. This program will play 8-bit .WAV sound files and save
them as System 7 .snd files. It seems to work well enough, but it uses
application heap space to store the sound, so you may have to increase
its 384K partition to play and convert large sounds. As usual, I am not
the author, so do not send any bug reports to me.
[Archived as /info-mac/snd/util/balthazar-10.hqx; 33K]
Date: Mon, 31 May 93 11:36 +1200
From: "Lawrence D'Oliveiro, Waikato University, Hamilton, NZ"
Subject: [*] card/x/script-manager-utilities.hqx
Here is a set of HyperCard externals I wrote for accessing various functions
provided by the Script Manager: date/time conversions over a large range,
custom number formatting, and string conversion. The demo stack gives you
examples of how to use them.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
University of Waikato
New Zealand
[Archived as /info-mac/card/xcmd/script-manager-utilities.hqx; 23K]
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 93 2:15:07 EDT
From: walkerj@milo.math.scarolina.edu (Jim Walker)
Subject: [*] Carpetbag 1.3.8 package
Carpetbag is a shareware ($5) control panel extension that makes
resources such as fonts, sounds, FKEYs, and keyboard layouts
available to your programs without installing the resources in
the System file. You specify certain folders, and Carpetbag
opens all resource files therein at boot time. It works under
System 6, but is smarter about keeping track of folders
under System 7. It should even be able to use a folder on a remote
Appleshare volume.
This file is in StuffIt 3.0 format. It can be decompressed with StuffIt
Expander (freeware) or anything in the StuffIt 3.0 family.
v. 1.3.6 a change that may make it more compatible with system enablers
v. 1.3.7 bug fixes in Laser Path and Outboard Keyboard
v. 1.3.8 makes it safer to open files immediately (as opposed to on restart)
and included an update to Laser Path for Trimmer compatibility.
-- Jim Walker
[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/carpetbag-138.hqx; 86K]
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1993 12:52:06 EST
From: Ben_Lawson@magic-bbs.corp.apple.com
Subject: [*] ChangeCase XFCN 1.1
ChangeCase XFCN 1.1. Copyright Ben Lawson, 1993. All rights reserved.
Shareware fee: $5.00 (CDN or US)
The ChangeCase XFCN takes text input and returns that text with the
case of its characters changed according to the specified conversion
method. This can be done in most scripting or macro languages (such as
HyperTalk), but a compiled XFCN beats them for speed and simplicity of use.
ChangeCase is roughly 1000 times faster than its HyperTalk equivilent on my
Macintosh IIci.
ChangeCase is a 3 Kbyte resource that can be installed with the ResCopy
Stack, ResEdit or a similar utility into any application that supports
XCMDs and XFCNs. Example applications that can use XFCNs include HyperCard,
Microphone Pro, and 4th Dimension.
Syntax: ChangeCase(Container,<Case>,<SentenceEndings>)
Example (HyperTalk): answer ChangeCase("abc","upper") -- returns "ABC"
Using ChangeCase
ChangeCase can be used to quickly change the case of characters to the
following states:
Lowercase: all letters in lowercase.
Reverse: capitals change into lowercase, lowercase letters change
into capitals.
Sentence: first letter of each sentence capitalized, other letters
in lowercase.
Title: first letter of each word capitalized, other letters in
Uppercase: all letters capitalized.
Ben Lawson (ben_lawson@magic-bbs.corp.apple.com)
The following text is a BinHexed StuffIt Deluxe archive.
[Archived as /info-mac/card/xcmd/change-case-11.hqx; 11K]
Date: 1 Jun 93 10:39:00 EDT
From: "JS::CLEMENTSG" <clementsg%js.decnet@js3-vax.hanscom.af.mil>
Subject: [*] ChangeMaker 2.0
ChangeMaker is yet another application that modifies the type and creator of a
file. ChangeMaker doesn't necessarily require System 7 to run but it does
require Apple Events, Gestalt and the pop up control proc. If you have System
you should be all set. ChangeMaker is shareware. I'm asking for $5 as a
registration fee. If you mail me $6 and a disk, I'll mail back the latest
version. The extra dollar is for stamps.
ChangeMaker is a drop application. Just drop a file or some files onto it's
icon, select an application from the pop up menu in the dialog box and click
If you know how to use ResEdit, you can easily add/or change the applications
ChangeMaker's popup menu, (see instructions below). Choosing entries from this
popup menu fills in the type and creator edit boxes, so you dont have to
remember cryptic file type and creator codes. Since ChangeMaker fills in the
type and creator of the file you pass to it, you can also use it to find out
type and creator of any file. ChangeMaker will change files one at a time or
a bunch at a time.
[Archived as /info-mac/disk/change-maker-20.hqx; 37K]
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1993 13:57:39 -0800
From: Jerry Wilcox <Jerry.Wilcox@ucop.edu>
Subject: [*]ChessWriter 4.1s submission
This is the latest shareware version of ChessWriter (4.1s). It should
replace ChessWriter 4.02s, which is currently in the /game directory of the
ChessWriter is a shareware chess editor, written by Bill Orton, for whom I
am uploading it. The package includes special chess fonts used in display
and print. Note that the shareware version expires 12/31/93, but is
otherwise fully-featured. Upon registration (see about box for details) you
will receive a long-term version of the program as well as a full manual. I
believe that most people will find the manual necessary to fully understand
and utilize all of the program's features.
Just as when I uploaded 4.02, I'll give the archiver the decision as to
whether this should go into /game or /demo (because of the time limit). In
either case, the old version should be deleted when this one is archived.
[Archived as /info-mac/game/chess-writer-41s.hqx; 431K]
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1993 10:15:23 -0600
From: cshotton@oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu (Chuck Shotton)
Subject: [*] C Interpreter Source Code
C_Interp.sit contains the complete Think C source code for an interpreter
of a subset of C. It is implemented as a subroutine call that can be
embedded in any application, making it extremely easy to add scripting to
an existing application. Callbacks from the interpreted C code to the
calling application can be made. The source should compile without changes
on any Unix host as well. See the enclosed documentation for more details.
Note: I am not the original author of this code, but I have modified it to
create a stand-alone library function. See docs for credits.
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/c-interp-c.hqx; 46K]
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 93 17:02:38 PST
From: HarriRehnberg@salient.com (Salient Software)
Subject: [*] CopyDoubler2.0Demo.sea.hqx
Welcome to CopyDoubler* Demo!
This demo version stops working three (3) weeks after you first install
it. You can determine the expiration date by checking the "Demo Info"
button in the CopyDoubler control panel.
However, you may freely distribute this demo version, PROVIDED you
distribute ONLY the original demo SEA (self-expanding archive). You
may NOT distribute it in any form other than the original.
[Archived as /info-mac/demo/copy-doubler-20.hqx; 209K]
Date: Mon, 31 May 93 19:34:43 PDT
From: harrym@netcom.com (Harry Myhre)
Subject: [*] Cursors for HyperCard stacks
This HyperCard stack contains the "counting fingers" animated cursors from
the Apple installer application, animated clock cursors (also from the
installer), and a spinning globe cursor.
Demo scripts show how to use the cursors in your stacks.
Harry Myhre <harrym@netcom.com>
[Archived as /info-mac/card/counting-fingers-cursor.hqx; 4K]
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 93 02:53:28 -0400
From: jon@pauli.che.syr.edu (Jonathan Birge)
Subject: [*] digital-camera-07b.hqx
Digital Camera screen capture and image manipulation software,
version 0.7beta by Jonathan Birge.
This is the first release of Digital Camera, although there aren't any
glaring bugs. This application allows one to select a portion of the screen
to be captured and saves the image into a window to be then manipulated or
saved to disk. It allows for the saving of both type I (old BitMap) and type
II PICTs, so programmers can use type I pictures in their programs to ensure
backwards compatibilty. Digital Camera can also capture images and save them
as b/w CURS, PAT, etc. resources.
In addition, various filters may be applied to images such as blurring and
diffusion, and without the need for 32 Bit Quickdraw. Digital Camera should
work on all Macs and is System 7 friendly. This version is competely free. I
hope you enjoy it.
-Jonathan Birge
jon@pauli.che.syr.edu OR jbirge1@cc.swarthmore.edu
[Archived as /info-mac/app/digital-camera-07b.hqx; 117K]
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 93 10:35:34 BST
From: grantd <grantd@dcs.gla.ac.uk>
Subject: [*] fast-switchers-15.hqx
Subject: Fast switchers 1.5
A collection of tiny applications (not Control Panels, INITs,
or FKeys) to set the monitor depth/system volume of your Mac
without having to bother opening the relevant control panel.
Sound switchers beep once at the new volume, and then quit.
Colour switchers switch to the desired colour depth and Gray
switchers switch to the desired gray-scale mode. If the Ctrl
key is pressed when activated, they attempt to switch the
depth of all displays, instead of just the main one. If the
Command key is pressed when activated, the Colour switchers
will switch to the approporiate gray-scale mode.
Should not now crash when run on machines without colour
All come with balloon help, and are free. To replace
Dair Grant (grantd@dcs.gla.ac.uk)
[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/fast-switchers-15.hqx; 73K]
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 93 14:44 +0200
Subject: [*] File-Type-Creator.list
Hi netters
In response to Tom Wilson's wish for a list of file types/creators
I suggested "hacking" MacTools' Rescue and / or Norton Utilities.
These utilities must know about as many as possible TYPEs / CREATORs.
I did it myself and _two_ results follow:
1. Well, the list (+ an additional list from Tom)
2. As I worked on creating/sorting/merging the results from the two
mentioned sources, I found something interesting.
MacTools has almost twice as many entries in their list (compared to NU)
and MacTools has the ability to ADD items to its list.
All this boils down to one thing: MacTools has a better chance of
reconstructing troubled disks. Food for thought for the debate about
"which disk saving utility is better"
And I used an OLD version of MacTools Rescue (1.2), and Norton Utils 2.0.
Ilan Szekely, Computer Lab, Faculty of Dentistry
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
internet: ILANS@ds.huji.ac.il
[Archived as /info-mac/info/app/file-type-creator-list.txt; 11K]
Date: 2 Jun 93 10:10:46 U
From: "Andrew Lee" <andrew_lee@macmail.bond.edu.au>
Subject: [*] FileMaker_Pro_TaskWizard1.2.hqx
(c)1993 Andrew Lee, All rights reserved.
Read Me
TaskWizard is a shareware Filemaker Pro (version 1.x) database. It's main
purpose is to allow simple management of to-do lists. TaskWizard automatically
orders task based upon the task's attributes (eg time req, start date
All approximation is based on the concept of available hours for performing
chores ie the more hours you have, the sooner the estimated completion date.
In this version, you cannot modify the available hours (by default is
set to 4
hours), layouts, nor delete records. If you feel that TaskWizard has some
useful value, or use it for any purpose, or want to encourage ME to improve
TaskWizard and develop other `affordable & useful' databases, PLEASE send me
international money order cheque (or cash) made payable to: Andrew Lee, for
amount that you find appropriate. If I receive your shareware contribution, I
will send you a PASSWORD to enable you to MODIFY LAYOUTS and DELETE records.
you need to change the available hours (from 4 to something else...), please
supply an Internet email address together with your payment. I will try to
email you a customised version (in BinHex + Compact Pro format).
The source code is also for license. With access to the source, you
can modify
the available hours for chores yourself. Please read the licensing agreement
included. All suggestions for improvements are welcomed.
Please do not distribute TaskWizard without all the original materials,
especially this file. TaskWizard is not for commercial re-sale without my
knowledge and permission. Please inform me if you decide to place TaskWizard
onto shareware CD-roms, disks etc...
Andrew Lee
Internet: andrew_lee@macmail.bond.edu.au
fax: 61 (0)75 953320 (international)
[Archived as /info-mac/app/filemaker-pro-task-wizard.hqx; 33K]
Date: Mon, 31 May 93 17:17:41 +0200
From: sygnet@iap.fr (Jean-Francois Sygnet)
Subject: [*] Glidel 1.0: an in to Drag-n-Drop on the Apple Menu
Glidel 1.0: An INIT to Drag a File on a Apple Menu Item.
May 25, 1993 by Gilles Berkovitch <GB136@calvacom.fr>
* PURPOSE: Glidel is a freeware INIT that enable one to select in the
Finder a (file) icon and drag-and-drop it over an Apple Menu Item.
* The result depends on the Apple Menu Item:
-- the Apple icon: the file is moved to the "Apple Menu Items" Folder.
-- a Folder : the file is moved to that Folder.
-- an Application: same as drag-and-dropping a file over that appl.
-- anything else : nothing.
* CAVEAT: Glidel 1.0 works only under System 7.1 !!
* It is inspired by Fred Monroe's "Dropple Menu" that operated under version
7.0 and 7.0.1 but broke under 7.1. After unsuccessfully trying to contact
Fred I used "Dropple Menu" to write Glidel for people using System 7.1
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/glidel-10.hqx; 13K]
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 93 8:57:49 bst
From: h.rzepa@ic.ac.uk
Subject: [*] HP_Deskwriter_V4.0
Deskwriter Driver V4.0, supporting both the original
Deskwriter and the new 510 model.
[Archived as /info-mac/prn/hp-deskwriter-driver-40.hqx; 823K]
Date: Mon, 31 May 1993 20:04:26 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [*] HQXer 1.0
Are you looking for a BinHex decompression program that offers the
fastest speed available, drag and drop capability, multiple-part file
a simple, easy-to-use interface and lets you work while it extracts in the
background? Well, HQXer is the answer!
Give HQXer a shot. If you have ANY questions or comments, feel free
to write 'camp5@csbina.csubak.edu' for the answer. Thanks!
[Archived as /info-mac/cmp/hqxer-10.hqx; 38K]
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1993 15:40:17 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [*] HQXer 1.0
The documentation for HQXer was originally distributed in WordPerfect
format. Since that isn't a very widely accepted format, I've decided to send
a version in RTF format. Please, incorporate this RTF file into the original
"HQXer" archive!! If you have already distributed HQXer, don't worry about
resending it or anything, the documentation is the same, except that it's now
in RTF format.
Thanks for your time... I appreciate your help! *Stiles
[Archived as /info-mac/cmp/hqxer-10-docs.hqx; 6K]
Date: Sun, 30 May 1993 22:31:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: Brian Thomas <n8348220@henson.cc.wwu.edu>
Subject: [*] Inside Mac Games / June '93
This is the Free Preview Edition of Inside Mac Games, the premier electronic
magazine covering the latest and coolest in Mac entertainment. This month
features a sneak peek at Bungie's upcoming Pathways Into Darkness, an
interview with Keith Zabalaoui (author of V for Victory, et al.), plus
reviews of Spectre Supreme, Lunicus, King's Quest VI, Monkey Island 2, M4
Sherman Tank, Lemmings, and who knows what else.
This month's Subscription Edition features even more reviews and
screenshots, plus extra stuff outside the e-mag, and best of all -- new
totally rage QuickTime movies embedded in the articles. Just click and
kick back :-) Complete information about subscriptions to IMG is attached
here and in the magazine itself. We hope you enjoy IMG and subscribe.
Brian Thomas
Inside Mac Games
[Archived as /info-mac/per/inside-mac-games-93-06.hqx; 794K]
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 93 08:04:00 EDT
From: "Cary Torkelson" <CTORKEL@PK705VMA.VNET.IBM.COM>
Subject: [*] mac-mines-201.hqx
MacMines 2.01 (Color and black-and-white)
Can you locate all the mines on the playing field? Make one
wrong move and you blow it (literally!). You can vary the
minefield size, and choose from options such as craters, moving
mines, and a randomizer square. Saves high scores and stats for
each difficulty level (240 scores in all).
[Archived as /info-mac/game/mac-mines-201.hqx; 111K]
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 93 09:45:12 PDT
From: mwfong@nisc.sri.com (Martin Fong)
Subject: [*] MacGS 2.5.2b3.hqx (1 of 1)
01 June 1993
This is an *incremental* release of MacGS 2.5.2b3. As such, the
contents of this distribution must replace, or be added to, the files
in the MacGS 2.5.2b2 distribution.
Beta 3 Enhancements and Bug Fixes
---- - ------------ --- --- -----
Because MacGS now correctly responds to page size and resolution
changes specified via the GS' putdeviceprops operator (see
language.doc), it will also change the size of its displayable area to
match the paper sizes specified in gs_statd.ps. Also, the file
108dpi.ps, located in (macGS Tests), shows how to change the displayed
output resolution to 108 dpi. This is particularly useful if you're
using MacGS to read manuscripts.
MacGS will open PS files of type 'EPSF' as well as those of type
MacGS' Resume command now invokes initgraphics.
...Martin Fong mwfong@nisc.sri.com
[Archived as /info-mac/prn/mac-gs-252b3-update.hqx; 248K]
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1993 10:11:11 -0600
From: cshotton@oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu (Chuck Shotton)
Subject: [*] Mac HTTP (World-Wide Web) Server
MacHTTP 1.0d4 is a server for Macs participating in the World Wide Web
(WWW). It allows you to serve hypertext documents to other WWW users from
your Macintosh. This version allows you to serve text documents (like
HyperText Markup Language documents) as well as binary files (GIFs,
f'rinstance). This server works with the standard WWW clients as well as
clients like XMosaic that support embedded graphics.
The server places a very small load on your Mac, both in memory and CPU
requirements. It should run on any Mac with MacTCP installed. See the
enclosed documentation for more details.
MacHTTP is being written by Chuck Shotton, from the University of Texas
Health Science Center's Office of Academic Computing. Questions can be
to cshotton@oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu. The latest version of MacHTTP can FTPed from
oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu in the public/mac folder.
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/mac-http-10d4.hqx; 24K]
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1993 01:45:21 -0400
From: mhall@occs.cs.oberlin.edu (Matthew Hall)
Subject: [*] MacNews 1.0 submission (comm software)
About MacNews 1.0
I have just completed version 1.0 of MacNews, a shareware NNTP newsreader for
non-TCP Mac's. If you use rn or GNUS from a dial-in host, you may want to
consider MacNews instead.
Reads, Posts, and Follows-up, of course.
Subscribe/Unsubscribe/Maintain newsgroups
Save or append articles to a file on your drive
Insert files, cut, copy, paste, when composing articles
Maintains a list of several sites, each with it's own list of
subscribed newsgroups - helpful if you read news from more than one
Much faster, at 2400 baud, than EMACS Gnus.
Simple, but definitely not trivial
Works on any modem equipped Mac.
Didn't even crash at any time during development!
MacNews_1.0.sea.hqx is a bin-hexed, self extracting archive.
MacNews 1.0 copyright 1993 by Matthew Hall
-matt hall
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/mac-news-10.hqx; 82K]
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1993 19:57:55 -0400 (EDT)
From: gt0151c@prism.gatech.edu (David Shaw)
Subject: [*] MaelstromCombo.cpt.hqx
The following file, MaelstromCombo.cpt.hqx, is the new
Maelstrom Ultimate Combo Sprite/Sound combo designed
to be used with Maelstrom 1.1 (it will also work with
older versions of Maelstrom). It is an entirely new
set of sounds, and a much-improved sprite set that
together improve the game Maelstrom tenfold. It is
absolutely the best modification to Maelstrom around.
If you're tired of the game, this will make it fun
send all questions and comments to:
4-Jun-93 2:48:21-GMT,971888;000000000401
Received: from SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU by CAMIS.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0)
id AA04395; Thu, 3 Jun 93 19:47:57 PDT
Full-Name: Info-Mac Moderator
Received: by SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0)
id AA17426; Thu, 3 Jun 93 17:07:41 PDT
Resent-Message-Id: <9306040007.AA17426@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU>
Return-Path: <gt0151c@prism.gatech.edu>
Received: from hydra.gatech.edu by CAMIS.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0) id
AA01033; Thu, 3 Jun 93 16:59:39 PDT
Received: by hydra.gatech.edu (5.67a/3.1) id AA13965; Thu, 3 Jun 1993
19:59:09 -0400
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1993 19:59:09 -0400
From: gt0151c@prism.gatech.edu (David Shaw)
Message-Id: <199306032359.AA13965@prism.gatech.edu>
To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
Resent-To: backmod@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU
Resent-Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1993 17:07:37 PDT
Resent-From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod@sumex-aim.Stanford.EDU>
[Archived as /info-mac/game/maelstrom-combo.hqx; 950K]
Date: 3 Jun 1993 10:19:40 U
From: "John Mansfield" <John_Mansfield@mse.engin.umich.edu>
Subject: [*] Manual ARA Connections
John Mansfield
North Campus Electron Microbeam Analysis Lab
University of Michigan
2455 Hayward
Ann Arbor MI 48109-2143 Phone: (313)936-3352
jfmjfm@engin.umich.edu or
John.F.Mansfield@umich.edu Time: 21:26
Subject: Manual ARA Connections
Having asked about this orginally I thought I would send the solution that I
received from Jeffrey Multach of Ameritech. Looks like he got if from
Applelink. I havent tried this yet, but I imagine you could modify any script
to not wait for a dial tone and then rename it "whatevermodem manual dial" and
select that script from the ARA Setup popup menu when you wanted to dial
Here's Jeffrey's message:
From: Jeffrey Multach (5/30/93)
To: John.F.Mansfield@umich.edu
Mail*Link(r) SMTP RE> Manual ARA Connections
>Has anyone found a way around the problem of not being able to do manual
>connections with Appletalk Remote Access? Say you have to go through a
>switchboard to get an outside line, how do you use ARA to call your home
FYI. Here is an Apple entry from their AppleLink service.
[Archived as /info-mac/info/comm/manual-ara-connections.txt; 6K]
Date: Mon, 31 May 93 07:50:45 EDT
From: rogue@Athena.MIT.EDU
Subject: [*] MemSim 1.0
Enclosed is the binhexed, compacted version of MemSim, which I
request that you post to the shareware servers.
MemSim is a membrane dynamics simulator. It allows the user to
specify the geometry and material properties of a membrane, then
simulate its response to applied velocity and force sources. The user has
control over simulation parameters such as time step and simulation
granularity. The output is a 3D surface displayed in wireframe or color
(where possible).
MemSim requires a 68020+, an FPU (or emulator), and at least a
portable-sized screen to run. It is shareware, with a requested fee of $10.
Thank you,
Claude Denton
[Archived as /info-mac/sci/mem-sim-10.hqx; 173K]
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1993 13:35:10 +0100
From: David Winterburn <dbw@acri.fr>
Subject: [*] Menu Dropper 7.1b4 -- submission --
Hi there,
This is a system extension utility I thought you might like,
Menu Dropper is a System 7 utility that allows the you drag ICONs from the
Finder and 'drop' them onto items within the Apple Menu. It is supplied as
a compact pro archive which includes the system extension and a reame file.
To install, drop the system extension into the Extensions Folder of your
System Folder and reboot. Currently Menu Dropper is compatible with Finder
7.0, 7.1 and the AppleScript Finder version 7.1.1, as new versions of the
Finder appear I shall publish new versions of Menu Dropper to support them.
Menu Dropper requires a Mac Plus or greater, running System 7.0 or greater,
it is not compatible with the Macintosh Portable.
Menu Dropper is based on the technology of Dropple Menu by Fred Monroe, I
am developing and publishing this utility with his full permission. This
software is still listed as beta, I am still developing its features and
would expect to send the next update in about 4-6 weeks.
David Winterburn.
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/menu-dropper-71b4.hqx; 28K]
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 93 08:04:54 EDT
From: "Cary Torkelson" <CTORKEL@PK705VMA.VNET.IBM.COM>
Subject: [*] pegged-21.hqx
Pegged 2.1 (Color and black-and-white)
The classic game of Peg Solitaire, but more! Try to clear all
the pegs but one from the board. Choose from many different
boards and dozens of puzzles. Solved them all? Create your own
puzzles with the built-in puzzle editor.
[Archived as /info-mac/game/pegged-21.hqx; 90K]
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 93 20:36:00 AST
From: guidop@conicit.ve (Guido Paccagnella (Hosp.Perez Carreno))
Subject: [*] quadra-700-clock-charts-2.hqx
Quadra 700 Speed Performance Charts vers. 2.0
DockMaker Document.
Stuffit archive : quadra-700-clock-chart.sit
binhexed : quadra-700-clock-charts-2.hqx
SAM virus clinic: no viruses.
The following DockMaker document shows the performance curves generated
>From 25 to 36 MHz based on benchmarks run on a Quadra 700 with the
Variable Speed Overdrive, and having placed pin sockets for the 50 MHz
crystal. This is sort of a follow up to Guy Kuo's reports on replacing
the crystal for a higher frequency one. I hope you find it useful if
you're trying to select an appropriate speed or, if you just wonder what
kind of beast lies inside that box. All of this came up after exchanging
some e-mail with Guy and finding on both of our machines a zone of
no-tolerance (with VSO around 33 MHz).
In my particular case I found an optimum range of speeds with no
performance degradation.
Netters complained on the file format, so I re-worked the Excel doc,
rearranging the spreadsheet data, and normalizing it to improve the
quality and readability of the charts.
(Now you know the percentage of improvement right from the chart). And
made it a stand-alone document.
Please let me know if you like the Excel doc better, so I will post it.
Please post where ever appropriate
Guido Paccagnella
[Archived as /info-mac/info/hdwr/quadra-700-performance-20.hqx; 66K]
Date: Sun, 30 May 1993 08:09:37 PDT
From: bskendig@netcom.com (Brian Kendig)
Subject: [*] Source code to XLisp 2.1e for Macintosh
XLisp 2.1e is now available for the Macintosh.
This Stuffit file (use one of the v3 unstuffers to open it; 1.5.1
won't work) contains the complete source code to the application,
along with a THINK C v6 project file. Note that it does not contain
the complete xlisp distribution code; files for compiling it on other
operating systems have been left out. You can ftp the latest complete
xlisp distribution (with code for Unix, Amiga, and DOS platforms) from
There is another file available which contains the XLisp executable,
documentation, and sample code. It provides all the functionality of
XLisp 2.1e with an interface similar to that of Apple's MCL -- it is
not as powerful as MCL, but it is a lot cheaper (free) and less
disk-greedy. It should be completely compatible with XLisp code
written on other platforms.
Like XLisp on other platforms, this program is in the public domain.
The source code to the xlisp engine is completely unchanged from the
code used on other platforms.
If you have a bug to report, please research the bug as much as
possible and find out as much as you can about its circumstances
before you email me about it. I may not be able to reply to all the
email I receive. It'd be easier on me if you could post bug reports
and other information regarding this port to comp.lang.lisp.x. Note
that I'm only responsible for issues dealing specifically with the
Macintosh port; you should direct questions about the xlisp engine in
general to Tom Almy at toma@sail.labs.tek.com.
Be sure to read the release notes!
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/xlisp-12e-c.hqx; 214K]
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1993 06:05:56 -0700 (PDT)
From: John Thoo <jbthoo@ucdavis.edu>
Subject: [*] tardis-timelord-pkg.sea.hqx
This is a SEA containing both Tardis 1.6 and Timelord 1.4, which work in
tandem to keep clocks of Macs on a LocalTalk network sync'd. The following
blurb was copied from the .shar file I grabbed (from somewhere, but just
can't remember where at the moment :-) As far as I can tell, these items
are FREE.
X tardis/Timelord
X Mac Time Client and Server
X The University of Melbourne
X djh@munnari.OZ.AU
X January, 1993
X version 1.4
XThe tardis/Timelord package allows the Macintosh time to be set over an
XAppleTalk network from a Macintosh or UNIX/CAP based time server.
XTo set your Macintosh time, copy the "tardis" Chooser extension into the
X"System Folder" (or "Extensions" folder). Open the Chooser, select the
X"tardis" ICON and a time server name, click on the "Set Time" button or
Xpress the RETURN key. To have the time reset periodically, click on the
X"Settings..." button, check the checkbox and move the slider to the time
Xof day that the Macintosh should reset the time from the server. The
Xscale is measured in 5 minute intervals. Selecting a time just before you
Xwould normally expect to be starting to use your Macintosh is recommended.
XTo act as a time server, copy the "Timelord" control panel into the
X"System Folder" (or directly into the "Control Panels" folder) and reboot.
XProvision of service may be temporarily suspended by opening the "Timelord"
Xcontrol panel and setting the "Disabled" button. NB: Advertising your
Xservices as a time server carries the responsibility of ensuring that your
XMacintosh time is normally reasonably accurate.
XThe UNIX/CAP Timelord server can be compiled with 'make', installed into
X/usr/local/cap and run with options listed in the timelord.1l manual entry.
XThe server code assumes that the Columbia AppleTalk Package is installed.
XChanges from previous versions:
Xtardis 1.6
X Rewritten network code.
X New color and small icons.
X INIT/DRVR code does not load if SHIFT key down.
X Ability to set the time once per day at a specified time.
X Won't beep at startup on a roving non-networked powerbook.
Xtimelord 1.4
X Rewritten network code.
X New color and small icons.
X INIT/DRVR code does not load if SHIFT key down.
X If error at boot, Timelord does not appear in doorway.
X Log file can be in System Folder or Preferences folder.
XTo use the new icons, rebuild the DeskTop by holding down the Option and
XCommand keys when rebooting. To see the new tardis icon in the Chooser,
Xhold down the Option and Command keys when opening the Chooser or delete
Xthe old version of tardis, open and close the Chooser, then copy the new
Xtardis to the System Folder and open the Chooser.
XUpdates via anonymous FTP from munnari.OZ.AU
XCopyright (c) 1990, 1993, The University of Melbourne.
XAll Rights Reserved. Permission to publicly redistribute this
Xpackage or use any part of this software for any purpose other
Xthan as part of the original distribution must be obtained in
Xwriting from the copyright owner.
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/net/tardis-timelord.hqx; 42K]
Date: Mon, 31 May 1993 02:45 EST
Subject: [*]teachtext-graphics.hqx
Thanks to all who helped me figure out how to paste PICT's into
TeachText documents. The authoritative reference on this is an
Apple Technical Note titled "The Compleat Guide to TeachText".
Here's a TeachText file I created that contains a few graphics
and explains simply how to incorporate them.
Incidentally, a few people suggested the xtnd translator for
TeachText. Although this worked fine for text, I could not get
it to either import or export graphics with WordPerfect 2.1.
[Archived as /info-mac/info/app/teachtext-graphics.hqx; 47K]
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1993 9:34:16 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [*] ted-4d-database.hqx
This is version 1.2.2 of the 4th Dimension (3.0) database TED, a
demo database written by Geoff Perlman of ACI Training. I have
seen many references to this demo, so I downloaded it from CI$,
and called Geoff to ask permission to upload it to Info-Mac.
Though I have yet to dig through all the code, I can see lots of
helpful hints about using multiple processes.
[Archived as /info-mac/demo/ted-4d-database.hqx; 417K]
Date: Mon, 31 May 1993 04:34:18 -0400 (EDT)
From: Chris Owen <owenc@MINERVA.CIS.YALE.EDU>
Subject: [*] Tiny Saver 2.2
Tiny Saver is a very small screen saver. It does just what a
screen saver is supposed to do and not much else. It is an
application so no conflicts but it only uses about 30k of RAM
12 of disk space. This version is a 'background only appliation'
so it only uses 12k of RAM when it is in not actually saving the
screen. Being a FBA it will not show up in the application
menu and won't always end up in your face when you quit other
applications. It is a nifty (IMHO) blend of the features of
a system extension with the reliability of an application.
A non-background version for those who fear the unkown ;-] is
available as Tiny Saver 1.4 at minerva.cis.yale.edu in the
directory /pub/owenc/tinysaver/.
Chris Owen
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/tiny-saver-22.hqx; 18K]
Date: Sun, 30 May 1993 08:05:42 PDT
From: bskendig@netcom.com (Brian Kendig)
Subject: [*] XLisp 2.1e for Macintosh
XLisp 2.1e is now available for the Macintosh.
[Note to the archivists: This should replace XLisp 2.0 if you have
that in your archives.]
This Stuffit file (use one of the v3 unstuffers to open it; 1.5.1
won't work) contains the XLisp executable, documentation, and sample
code. It provides all the functionality of XLisp 2.1e with an
interface similar to that of Apple's MCL -- it is not as powerful as
MCL, but it is a lot cheaper (free) and less disk-greedy. It should
be completely compatible with XLisp code written on other platforms.
There is another file available which contains the complete source
code to this application, along with a THINK C v6 project file. Note
that it does not contain the complete xlisp distribution code; files
for compiling it on other operating systems have been left out. You
can ftp the latest complete xlisp distribution (with code for Unix,
Amiga, and DOS platforms) from glia.biostr.washington.edu.
Like XLisp on other platforms, this program is in the public domain.
The source code to the xlisp engine is completely unchanged from the
code used on other platforms.
If you have a bug to report, please research the bug as much as
possible and find out as much as you can about its circumstances
before you email me about it. I may not be able to reply to all the
email I receive. It'd be easier on me if you could post bug reports
and other information regarding this port to comp.lang.lisp.x. Note
that I'm only responsible for issues dealing specifically with the
Macintosh port; you should direct questions about the xlisp engine in
general to Tom Almy at toma@sail.labs.tek.com.
Be sure to read the release notes!
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/xlisp-21e.hqx; 285K]
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1993 14:29:05 -0600 (CST)
From: RODMAN@admin.ripon.edu
Subject: 2-page mono/gray monitors with Centris
Does anyone have any experience with any 2 page (19 or 21") monochrome or
gray scale monitors with Centris 610's? I'm concerned about
getting a monitor that works well with the Centris built in video - I
don't want to sacrifice the one Centris slot for a video board.
Are there any 2 page, Mono/GS displays that can use the Centris video,
or are they yet to hit the market??
Also, will I need to upgrade the VRAM for a 19 or 21" monochrome
display? For gray scale?
Thanks, Gary
==> Gary S. Rodman o Ripon College <==
==> rodman@admin.ripon.edu o (414) 748-8343 <==
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 93 07:07:17 EDT
From: Charles E. McElwain <mcelwain@odi.com>
Subject: Address/Phone/Driver for EMAC CD maker?
I have a Metro CD from EMAC (division of Everex) on my IIsi, which has
been causing various problems; most recently, causing "unimplemented
trap" crashes in Think Reference 2.0. Removing the driver, as well as
the startup documents for the various CD formats, from the system
file cured this problem. The driver is "Metro CD INIT 1.3.1", copyrighted
>From 1991. I am running System 6.0.7.
I attempted to contact EMAC Technical Support at (415) 498-4440, to see
if there was an updated driver available, only to find that the number
had been disconnected (surprising to me, since I knew Everex as a long-
running, reliable supplier of UNIX hardware.
Does anyone out there know: 1) a number at which I can contact EMAC, or
3) alternative sources of drivers for this CD drive? (I don't know the
maker of the mechanism, but it is a slow, .5 sec access drive.)
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 07:34:29 -0600
From: vellek@telesphere.wustl.edu (Mark Vellek)
Subject: A Farewell
Well, after finally feeling comfortable with the Internet, I lose access in
two days. (At least I got the Info-Mac CD-ROM II - sounds like a movie
sequel!) Good luck to all.
Date: 09 Jun 1993 14:37:02 -0500 (EST)
From: "Mark Nutter, Apple Support" <MANUTTER@grove.iup.edu>
Subject: Anybody ever heard of QualPro?
A graduate student here found a reference to a program called
"QualPro"--according to the book she is reading (_Surviving Your
Dissertation_), this program may be what she is looking for to do some
qualitative analysis related to English and/or the social sciences. Ok, I'm
not real clear on what she is trying to do, but in any case my question is:
Has anyone out there heard of QualPro? It is supposed to be a Mac program,
other than that, I can't find any info. If you could tell me anything more
about it and/or who I could contact for more information, I would greatly
appreciate it. Please reply directly via Email. Thanks.
Mark Nutter
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 10:37:30 PDT
From: Richard Bram <pddoc@cmgm.stanford.edu>
Subject: Any such thing as Mac XWindows? (Q)
I would like to run a program that requires XWindows on a macintosh
(Centris 650) and am wondering if anyone has heard of or seen an emulator
to do that. If so, is it reasonably speedy, or too slow to be useful?
I suppose the other options are to get an internal PC board (like the
orange thing) and run the pc-XWindows emulator, or just spend the $5000
and get a DEC terminal. I'd sort of like to save desk space, though.
Thanks for any info.
Rick Bram (pddoc@cmgm.stanford.edu)
Date: 09 Jun 1993 13:30:22 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: AppleShare server as Net News Server (Q)
We are considering purchase of an Macintosh Wordgroup Server 95 to run as
our AppleShare file server and our Net News server. Our most widely used
sw (Microsoft Word 5.1) will be run off local hard disks using KeyServer
technology. Many other (seldom used) applications will be run from the
Our questions are:
Does this sound feasible?
Does Net News port easily to A/UX (we're not UN*X gurus here!)
Has anyone done this before?
Thanks much in advance. I'll post a summary to the list, as well as an
implementation report - if and when we actually get it running.
Peter Jorgensen MS-IRM Colgate University
13 Oak Drive Research & Instructional Computing Specialist
Hamilton, NY 13346 Mac/DOS/VMS/PMDF consultant, HyperTalker
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 93 22:57:30 -0400
From: Dave Bachmann <wk01200@worldlink.com>
Subject: Backup over Sparc Tape unit (A)
To clarify: on Versaterm 4.6, there is a file in the
"Network Utilities:ReadMe's and Help Files" folder named
"Special FTP Server Commands" that explains how to do full
and incremental backups using the FTP Server Init, and it
includes a shell script and program for the unix side.
I'd post it but some of the code says that it is copyrighted
and besides, if you've already got the FTP Server Init you should
have the rest of the files as well. If you don't, I expect the
friendly folks at Abelbeck Software will be glad to help you out.
No, I don't have any relationship with Abelbeck Software, except
that when I was trying to get FTP backups working Lonnie was very
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 09:34:45 -500 (EDT)
From: "Russell S. Aminzade: Trinity College of VT" <aminzade@moose.uvm.edu>
Subject: Borderline FAQ
My IICX is running a bit slow, maybe it's my imagination, but I have this
vague recollaction that when you choose "about this Macintosh" and the
memory used by the system is nearly all of the memory allocated you can
improve performance by doing something weird with the system heap or its
memory allocation.
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 03:17:15 GMT
From: astein@nysernet.ORG (Alan Stein)
Subject: Capturing a Postcript Document
Are there any utilities for taking a postscript file and turning it
into a graphics file that can be manipulated with a paint program?
Are there any public domain graphics programs that do it?
Alan H. Stein astein@israel.nysernet.org
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1993 10:03:41 -0600 (CST)
From: "Kevin P. Luckhaupt" <Luckhaupt@MAX.CC.DENISON.EDU>
Subject: Centris 610 e-net
Our order of 35 Centris 610's is here. 24 of them will be in the lab, the
other eleven will be in faculty offices, all in the same department.
My network topoloy is in the works 10baseT Level 5 to all stations. I have
a central location in the department to mount patch panels and put network
equipment in. The network equipment that I am leaning toward is Asante',
does anyone have any experience with the Asante'Hub 1012???? Another
question that I have is can the 1012's be daisy chained together?? The
department will have a total of 42 connections, I will be using 4 12 port
servers to do this. I want to keep this subnet seperate from the backbone,
the only connection to the backbone will be through the router.
The department subnet will connect to the campus backbone via Ethernet to
Ethernet router, Anyone know of a good one???? I will also be using 3
ethernet to localtalk print servers in the department, Asante' makes one
Anybody know of someone elses???
You can reply directly to me: Luckhaupt@cc.denison.edu
Kevin P. Luckhaupt Denison University
Network Engineer/Technician Computing Services
luckhaupt@cc.denison.edu Granville, Ohio
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 10:15:07 +0100
From: Alfonso.Fuggetta@mailer.cefriel.it (Alfonso Fuggetta - POLIMI/CEFRIEL)
Subject: Date Book Demo
Dear Netters,
I remember that a few months ago I read something on a demo version of
DateBook available at the SUMEX archives. I have not found it there and so
I am asking you if someone knows anything about that. Is the demo still
available and how can I get it?
Thanks a lot
Alfonso Fuggetta (Alfonso.Fuggetta@mailer.cefriel.it)
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 93 13:37:03
From: selene!todd.sherman@bikini.cis.ufl.edu
Saw your #35 edition of DATELINE: STARFLEET in the RIME echo. Edition was
incomplete -- missing paragraphs and such. Could you send me a copy of this
edition at my below address? Also, if you have any listing for the 6th season
episodes I'd appreciate it.
Todd Sherman
(Gaineville, FL)
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 14:25:04 +0200
From: "Walter Bohle" <W.Bohle@ct.utwente.nl>
Subject: DaynaPORT Drivers v7.5.1 (Q)
Recently I downloaded dayna-port-ether-drivers-751.hqx from the Info-Mac Sumex
archives in order to update the drivers for my DaynaPORT ethernet card (with
68882 installed on the card).
Up till then I was using v7.10b1 (with E/si v1.12) without any problem on my
MacIIsi 17/80 (System 7.01 - tuned-up 1.1.1).
Installation went without any problem. After a restart, all network functions
behaved as they should. BUT: the Finder had become very very slow
a word in a word processor taking more than a second). The next days strange
errors happened more and more (e.g. freezing the pointer) until finally the
AppleTalk Internet Router I am using (v2.0) appeared to have been corrupted.
I installed a fresh copy of the Router, but it became corrupted again
Finally I decided to go back to v7.10b1 (with a fresh System and Router and
old Network CP) and now (taking quite a few hours) everything is back to
cursing myself once again why I cannot stand the urge to update when
is running smoothly.
Is there anyone else who has met the same problems or who knows what could be
the reason for these errors - e.g. this version only suited for System 7.1,
which is not mentioned anywhere in the ReadMe files?
I have put the same question to Dayna. I will let you know their answer.
Walter Bohle
Twente University of Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering
P.O.Box 217
7500 AE Enschede
The Netherlands
tel. x-
fax x-
MacTCP (talk) Address:
InterNet e-mail:w.bohle@ct.utwente.nl
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 09:27:01 -500 (EDT)
From: "Russell S. Aminzade: Trinity College of VT" <aminzade@moose.uvm.edu>
Subject: DeskWriter Eats Pages
The title says it. My deskwriter occasionally (about once every 4-10
pages, very gradually increasing in frequency) eats up a page. Seems one
roller grabs and one slips, the paper gets yanked in diagonally.
Talking with someone at a college that has a lot of deskJETS (which use
the same mechanism), and some individuals, the answer seems to be "they do
this after a while," and the solution seems to be "throw it out."
Any commiseration or solutions would be appreciated.
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1993 20:25:30 -0500
From: moiseff@predator.pnb.uconn.edu (Andy Moiseff)
Subject: Folder-from-Hell (R)
Thanks to all respondents concerning uneraseable folders under system 7.
To quickly summarize for anybody interested...
There are indeed instances where folders will refuse to be erased,
even by tricky methods such as alt-EMPTY, trying to replace the folder with
one of the same name, etc. These folders-from-hell are caused by corrupted
One recommended solution was to use Norton Utilities to fix the
corrupted directory.
The other recommended solution was to use the program
"HellFolderFix" by John Jeppson. This program makes the 'repair'
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 93 16:52:28 MET DST
From: Christian F. Buser <CBUSER@EZINFO.vmsmail.ethz.ch>
Subject: Frequent crashes (R)
b4sim@space (Building 4 Simulation Group) asked:
> I am having a problem with a system crashing repeatedly. I have
> ...
> Mac SE, 4MB RAM, Quantum 105S 104MB internal drive, System 7.0.1,
> PowerPoint 3.0, Excel 4.0
> ...
> " PowerPoint"
> bad F-line instruction.
Re-installing system and applications is a good idea, but you must
first get rid of your old system folder. Trash the system file and the
finder file and rename the old system folder. I think the word "system"
should not be in the new folder name. If you do this, the Installer
creates a new system folder instead of only updating the old one. Of
course you can also throw the system folder into the trash.
Maybe you should also try to reformat the hard disk using the latest
version of your formatting software. I have heard that some formatters
are not compatible with System software 7 or higher. I know that
Silverlining 5.42 IS compatible, and so is the version of Apple's
HD SC setup which comes on the System 7 disk tools diskette.
Hope this helps. Best regards, Christian.
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 7:45:35 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: FTP Site for QuickTime Moovies
I was wondering if anyone out there knew of an FTP site that had all kinds of
QuickTime movies and graphics. Sumex had a whole bunch but some of the ones
I'm looking for are no longer there: like the one on Dan Quayle that was
available some time ago and dissappeared before I could get it, also a
earth used to be there and now it is not. Does anyone know where I can get
QuickTime movies that have appeared on the net??
Also, with Sumex's new layout, I can't find any GIF files anymore. There's
all kinds of Startup Screens, etc, but no more GIF files. Where did they all
go? Is there an FTP site for these as well (I've check Umich and RASCAL and
not what I'm looking for, very limited or none at all!!).
Carl B. Constantine
"There are 2 facts in life, 1) there is a God & 2) you are NOT Him!!" I'll
add a 3) Nor will you ever be!!!!
Date: 09 Jun 1993 14:23:48 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: hiding printers in a given zone (A)
Bill McCarthy wonders:
... I'm wondering if there is a way to hide the
printers in office zone from users in other zones.
I believe some of the popular routers have a feature that can be
configured to hide LaserWriters from users in other Zones. The problem is,
of course, a Zone is a logical, not physical, entity. But for preventing
accidental use of the wrong printer this would be OK. Check the
documentation of your router(s).
Peter Jorgensen MS-IRM Colgate University
13 Oak Drive Research & Instructional Computing Specialist
Hamilton, NY 13346 Mac/DOS/VMS/PMDF consultant, HyperTalker
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 93 10:02:29 EDT
From: Tom Coradeschi <tcora@pica.army.mil>
Subject: How to read MacWrite Pro files w/ Word 4?
As the subject line says, does anyone have a suggestion as to how to read
MacWrite Pro files with Word 4 (or 5)? An Apple File Exchange plug-in?
Email or post...
tom coradeschi <+> tcora@pica.army.mil
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 93 07:29:37 GMT
From: poncelet@sfmvx1.SINet.SLB.COM
Subject: LaserWriter 8 drivers and Pathworks
To: "info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu"@M_INTERNET@MRGATE@SNMRTR@SNMRTR
Referring to Mike Brundenell's query on using LaserWriter 8 with Pathworks,
solution is to upgrade to Pathworks for Macintosh V 1.2. The print spooler has
been modified and requires a PPD file for each printer queued on the VAX. When
the LaserWriter 8 driver interrogates the spooler, it now responds in
information as to the printer type, PostScript version etc. This information
extracts from the PPD file used for that queue.
Paul Poncelet
Sedco Forex Schlumberger
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 93 16:50:25 MET DST
From: Christian F. Buser <CBUSER@EZINFO.vmsmail.ethz.ch>
Subject: LaserWriter Start Page (R)
Benjamin White <bwhite@pennsy.med.jhu.edu> asked:
> Is there any way to stop my LaserWriter from spitting out it's startup
> page every time it gets turned on?
Start the program "LaserWriter Utilities" (from Apple, on your system 7
disks) and turn the startup page off.
Regards, Christian. cbuser@ezinfo.vmsmail.ethz.ch
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1993 16:25:13 CHT
From: ics@chasqui.mic.cl (ICS Chile Ltda.)
Subject: LC upgrade/external HD casing
Dear netters,
1) I wish to upgrade my LC to LC III status before a museum claims it.
However, the price quoted by several of you in this list (US$599 or
thereabouts) goes all the way up to US$1,099 (plus 18% tax) here in
Santiago, Chile. I could have the upgrade picked up in the States, do it
myself, and save a bundle. Is this possible? Can you purchase just the
upgrade kit, or do you have to bring in and surrender the old parts?
2) I recently bought a 180 MB internal hard disk for my LC above. As a
resul, I am left with an unused original 40 MB internal hard disk. I could
sell it, but I vaguely remember somebody mentioning some inexpensive
contraption which provided the case and SCSI cables needed to turn an
internal HD into an external HD. Does anyone know where this could be
found? An approximate price would be ideal.
Many thanks in advance for your collective wisdom.
Patricio Mason
International Communication Solutions Ltd.
Specialist Translation and Multilingual Productions
Santiago, Chile
Tel./Fax: (562) 234-2289
Tel.: (562) 251-2854
e-mail: ics@chasqui.mic.cl
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 93 09:51:06 PDT
From: kcary@pepvax.pepperdine.edu (Kim Cary)
Subject: living...without mouse feet
Neither Apple nor our trust local service guys can help my users whose
teflon feet have fallen off their mice:
>From: "Morgan, Lee" <lmorgan@msmail.pepperdine.edu>
>Subject: Mouse Feet.
>I talked to apple this morning and their suggestion was to replace the
>mouse. They do not have the Teflon feet you were talking about. It is up
>to you whether you want to replace the mice or live without feet...Feet on
>the mice that is, not your own. Let me know what you want to do. It also
>just dawned on me that there are mouse pads that have a very smooth almost
>teflon feel to them if you want to explore that option. Either way, let me
>know what I can do to help.
Anyone know of a third party solution to the missing feet problem?
I'll post any solutions you send me. Thanks alot!
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 10:06 EDT
From: Dr.Peter T. Boag <BOAGP@QUCDN.QueensU.CA>
Subject: LW 8.0 and Larger Print Area
I tried LW 8.0 with our Apple IIf printer, with 5 meg memory. I find that
letterhead stationary in Word 5.1 that used to print cleanly all the way to
the bottom of a footer about 0.37 inches from the bottom of the page is
clipped at about 0.44 inches from the bottom of the page with LW 8.0.
This is with larger print area enabled. It doesn't seem to matter whether
LW 8.0 has been set up for 4, 5 or 8 meg of memory, the result is the same.
Can anyone clarify if I am doing something wrong, or does this mean that
LW 8.0 somehow has a higher memory overhead that reduces the printable
area on some or all printers?
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 14:53:46 -0600 (MDT)
From: Bradley Nation <bmnatio@somnet.sandia.gov>
Subject: Mac ftp sites
How does one ftp to .apple.com? Every time i have tried to ftp via
anonymous ftp to .apple.com I get a message saying no anonymous ftp at
this site. I got the address from the recent posting "Mac ftp site
list", what's the scoop?
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 93 16:45:56 EST
From: "Mr. Troy Kelley" <tkelley@HEL4.BRL.MIL>
Subject: Mac II video Utility cdev
As anyone out there got any knowledge on the Mac II video utility cdev?
Especially concerning trying to run it using system 7. I have tried
putting copies and aliases in different locations of the system folder
but I guess I haven't hit upon the right combination. Any suggestions
would be appreciated.
Date: 8 Jun 1993 18:20:36 -0500
From: "Marc Leroux" <Marc_Leroux@ultryx.com>
Subject: MacX
I have just installed MacX on a couple of IIci's here and have a couple of
general questions. Basically, the installation was simple (a bit clunky
One would think that they could have had an installer script!) and it works
but ...
1) Does anyone know of any 3 button mouse (mouses, mice??) that work well. The
modifier keys leave a bit to be desired if you are using mouse button 2 a
2) Does anyone know how to get the delete key to actually do a 'rubout'. I had
to use QuickKeys to map the delete key to ^h. This doesn't seem right!
Any help would be appreciated!
Marc Leroux |Smoke must be what makes electronic things work,'cause
Marc_Leroux@ultryx.com |once the smoke gets out, they always stop working!
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 93 09:32:23 PDT
From: howardh@BCAA.BC.CA (Howard Hui)
Subject: MacX with OpenWindows
I'm currently using MacX 1.2 to connect to the Sun 4.1.3 UNIX server. I'd like
to know whether we can run OpenWindows under MacX.
I have managed to open shelltool, commandTool, mailTool using Remote command
(Rootless) without any problem. However, I don't know how to run OpenWindow
manager under MacX. Could somebody give me some help? Or can it be done.
The reason I'd like to have OpenWindows Manager running under MacX is because
I have some OpenLoook applications which may not be able to run under strick
X. DBX tool is one in mind.
Thanks You.
Howard Hui
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 93 13:16:54 EDT
From: bmunday@tecnet1.jcte.jcs.mil
Subject: MAJOR Powerpoint 3.0 BUG!
Just heard thru the local grapevine that there's a major bug with
the latest version of PowerPoint for Macintosh, Version 3.0. Microsoft
confirmed this rumor over the phone and offered a few "do's and don'ts"
as follows:
The problem occurs whenever you work with a floppy diskette or a remotely
mounted volume from inside PowerPoint, such as save to a floppy or save to
a mounted volume. Apparently, Microsoft hasn't fully nailed down the
circumstances under which this bug will bite you, but the rep I talked to
recommended that I only work from the hard drive. If you need a file sent
elsewhere, or on a floppy, do it from the Finder.
The result of the bug seems to be that the hard drive AND the floppy can be
by using the floppy. Yes, ERASED. So if you value your data, don't write
to a floppy until you get the patched version, v 3.0B.
When I spoke to the Microsoft rep I was immediately promised replacement
program disks in the mail, even FedEx'd if required. So Microsoft must
really know how bad this one is. If you own the new version, call
Microsoft for a replacement, or something; just be careful until you get
the new version.
For your info, enlightenment, safety, or whatever...
Brandon Munday
Progress consists of replacing obvious errors with less obvious errors...
(and of course Microsoft is a very progress-oriented company)(I think)
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 09:58:36 -0600
From: courcoul@itesmcq1.qro.itesm.mx (Juan M. Courcoul)
Subject: PageMaker 4.2 and LaserWriter 7.1.2, round # 2
Thanks for the various direct replies regarding our printing problem. Perhaps
a follow up will help corner the problem.
The original setup was using PageMaker 4.2 and LaserWriter 7.1.2. PageMaker
was set up with the appropiate PPD file, for a LaserWriter IIf, with
v2010.113 and 4MB of RAM. When printing was attempted, one of three things
* A page would print correctly (about 10% of the time).
* A "Postscript error: offending command..." error message would appear on
the Mac. No printing would happen. (60% of the time).
* The printer would reset itself, spitting out only the startup page. No error
message whatsoever would appear on the Mac. (30% of the time).
Restarting the printer before sending a print job would increase the
of getting at least a single-page printout.
I then got the LaserWriter 8.0 driver from ftp.apple.com (found in the
/dts/sys.soft/imaging directory...) and set it up with the appropiate PPD
file. This increased the probability of getting a correct printout to 40%,
approx. However, this decreased if you sent several print jobs: by the fifth
attempt, we were back down to 10% or worse.
Since it was really URGENT to get some printouts, I've swapped the logic board
>From another LW II/ntx printer not being used at the time: this has worked ok
till now. However, I would much prefer to use the IIf board and enjoy the
increased throughput.
Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
Juan Courcoul
Monterrey Tech, Queretaro Campus
P.S. I'm going to try upgrading the IIf board up to 8MB RAM, but I don't have
4 MB simms on hand just now.
Date: 9 Jun 1993 15:00:11 -0500
From: "Marc Leroux" <Marc_Leroux@ultryx.com>
Subject: PowerPoint 3.0 Slow?
To: "Info-Mac" <info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
Peter Kaufman writes:
>We just upgraded to PP 3.0 and we find that it crawls on anything less than a
>Has anyone else had this experience?
Well, I would have to say that that was an understatement. We recently
>From More 3.1 to Powerpoint for presentations, and while I like the features
it, it does run veerrrry sloowwww! On the positive side, I was able to get my
boss to agree to upgrade my IIci to 20 M/Byte of memory because I had to use
The only problem I have with PP is their inconsistancies. I purchased PP as
part of Microsoft Office. The spelling checker in each of the four components
of MS Office is different. The dialog boxes are different when you try to quit
without saving. The only good part about this was that I gave a lecture at a
local university concerning the usage and importance of GUI standards and was
able to use PP as an example of why we needed standards!
>Microsoft's response in regards to the performance degradation is "we've
>that comment".
What were you expecting? Did you have them confused with another company?
Marc Leroux -- Smoke is what makes electronic
Marc_Leroux@ultryx.com -- things work, 'cause once the smoke
-- gets out, they always stop working!
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 15:34:57 +0200
From: bernhard pfahringer <bernhard@oefai.ai.univie.ac.at>
Subject: Q: Audiomedia card and the SE/30
Hi, anybody using an Audiomedia card in an SE/30 ?
Last night while browsing the MacWorld Music and Sound
bible I ran into a diagram implying that such a card
could be installed. No details, though. My impression
til now was that you need a Nubus slot.
Any comments?
PS: Please reply by email, because I'll definitly miss some
news postings. I'll post a summary: bernhard@ai.univie.ac.at
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 93 09:44:11 EDT
From: bmunday@tecnet1.jcte.jcs.mil
Subject: Quadra/MIDI Prob Summary
Thanks to those of you who responded to my gasp for help last week about
Master Tracks Pro's apparent incompatibility with the Quadra. For anyone
interested, here's the scoop.
One of you suggested the Compatibility CDEV. Good try, but no banana, and
no midi, either. Still crashed.
Another suggestion was about the cache (same idea, roughly). Nope.
The one that worked was to try the Serial Port CDEV, which slows the
serial port speed to work with some serial port-intensive software. Like
most midi programs. That did the trick; the software worked like a champ
after trying that.
No real data, but I suspect that trick would work with any similar midi
problems on the newer Macs.
Thanks again for your help, folks!
--Brandon Munday
--Code SA64, Flight Systems
--Patuxent River, MD 20670
--Voice (301)826-4731; Fax (301)826-4930
Date: 9 Jun 1993 11:39:00 U
From: "Sandro Menzel" <smenzel@csnw.wa.com>
Subject: SCCI Ethernet Problems (Ide
SCCI Ethernet Problems (Idea)
> I just got a Centris 610 on my desk and am trying to hook up to my 10Base-T
> ethernet. I haven't gotten my PDS card yet, and am using an Asante
> EN/SC-107 scci ethernet adapter. It's not working, here's the problem.
> Asante's docs save that this box will work with a 610 if you use an
> additional external terminator, no avail. It know my Internet Address
> under MacTCP is unique, I'm running 7.1 with Enabler 001, 003, and 040.
> I'm using Asante's 5.1.1 drivers. The network is stable, and the machine
> seems to scream on local talk. Get any ideas?
Good problem.
Your problem has the ring of a possible SCSI termination issue. (with a
SCSI ethernet box, this makes sense). Have you checked into the various
termination possibilities? You didn't mention any, but are there any
external SCSI peripherals? If so, I would disconnect them and check for
Have you checked for software conflicts? I know that this sounds redundant,
but spent quite a bit of time working with a LC III and ENet card.
Evidently, some Extension and Control Panels conflict with Ethernet
software/hardware(?). Occasionally, I find it handy to de-activate the
current System Folder and to create a brand new one without any of the
'cool' stuff.
The Asante Tech Support folks are usually quite helpful, and free, too.
800 622-7464 Asante Tech Support.
I take it you didn't opt for the Centris with built-in Ethernet.
Best of luck.
Sandro Menzel
Systems Engineer
The Computer Store - Seattle
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 02:02:52 -0400
From: lt10@cornell.edu (Li-Hsiang Tu)
Subject: screen saver (Q)
I am looking for a shareware screen saver that will just blacken my screen.
I prefer the program to be a control panel device. Is there such a
program out there?
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 14:16:53 -0600
From: "Earl Misanchuk" <MISANCHUK@herald.usask.ca>
Subject: Shareware opportunity
Any would-be shareware writers out there looking for a worthwhile project?
Here's an idea that would be useful to a number of people, I suspect
those in workgroups that trade documetns, or those who take their documents to
service bureaus for printing). It could be a system extension (preferably) or
stand-alone application.
I think it would be very handy to have something that would whip through a
document and make a list of all the fonts (and possibly sizes and styles
thereof) used in that document. The list could be attached (electronically or
physically) to a document that is being printed from a different Mac, so that
the person doing the printing would be forewarned that certain fonts may have
be added to the Mac doing the printing in order that the document come out all
Or is there perhaps something out there that does this already?
Date: 9 Jun 1993 10:26:30 -0500
From: WERTZG@NAPC-1.NAVY.MIL (Greg Wertz - 'system')
Subject: SimCity
I have SimCity version 1.2 which I ran on a Plus. I recently upgraded to a
LCII running 7.1 and now my SimCity won't run. I tried calling the number
listed for Maxis in my old version 1.0 manual, but it is out of service.
Does anyone know how I can get a new version or get in touch with Maxis?
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 09:02:51 -0600
From: (Dominik Hoffmann) <hoffmann@vms2.macc.wisc.edu>
Subject: Sound Input Device (SID) components
Does anyone know where I can obtain the 1.558 MHz crystal that is used in
the SID? A vendor would be nice; if I knew a manufacturer I could find a
vendor myself.
Dominik Hoffmann (hoffmann@macc.wisc.edu)
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 20:27:21 +0100
From: Elliot Bennett <Elliot.Bennett@europa.rs.kp.dlr.de>
Subject: Stage Direction/Set Design Software...
Many moons ago I read a review (in MacWeek, I believe) of a piece of software
written (I think) at Stanford Univ. for the Mac which allows you to do stage
direction and/or set design (I can't exactly remember the details). A friend
of mine is an opera director here and she would like some software to help her
in these areas.
Anyone know what I'm talking about and/or where to find it or something
Much thanks in advance for any clues...
Elliot Bennett
DLR, Cologne, Germany
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 93 18:43:34 -0600
From: af213@freenet.HSC.Colorado.EDU (KURT WHITE)
Subject: startup items
In system 7, what determines the order of items that are opened
at startup (also known as startup items (which are items in the
startup foldr that boot at startup))?? It isn't random, as I have
booted my computer many, many times whith the same results. It
also doesn't seem to be alphebetical. I have noticed that they
seem to boot in the same order as when they are all selected
and opened at once in the finder. Does anyone know what
determines this?
Kurt White
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 11:02:17 +0200
From: Jordi Steve <jordi@scsun.unige.ch>
Subject: SupraFAX on a Quadra ?????
Hello there,
I just would like to know if somebody here is using a SupraFax modem V32.bis
on a Mac Quadra 950 ???
I can connect the fax to some Mac IIci without any problems, but when running
the software on a Quadra, the fax inits never load.
That's why I want to know if there are incompatibilities between the
SupraFax inits and the Quadra.
If yes, how can I fix this ?
Thanks for any help...
Steve Jordi-Dpt of Geophysics-U of Geneva-Switzerland-jordi@scsun.unige.ch
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 93 02:05:38 EDT
From: Allan Hunter <AHUNTER@CCVM.sunysb.edu>
Subject: System 6 Holdouts / Compatibility warnings...
Tony Huang, in response to a flame-ette about people who upload software
that is incompatible with System 6, asks, in a mini-flame retort of his
own, whether people should warn us that a given piece of software is
incompatible with System 5, or 4...
Aww, c'mon! Make a list of all the Macs and their internal config-
urations that require systems earlier than 5: possibly the virgin 215K
Mac would not be able to run System 5, but I'm sure the 512 "Fat Mac"
would do so, and it fits on a 400K one-sided disk. Now make a list of
all the Macs that are unable to use System 6.0.x. The list doesn't
get much longer, if at all. I won't swear that Macs prior to the 512e
would run System 6, but the Mac lab where I was an undergrad was full
of 512K Macs with single 800K floppy drives, and I remember running a
system that had Multifinder where the MiniFinder used to be and it ran
just fine. Correct me if I'm wrong, but then I am reaching back a bit.
But leap forward to System 7 and you can eliminate any Mac that lacks
a hard drive, and any Mac with less than 2 MB RAM. Realistically, why
would anyone with less than a 68030-based 4MB-plus machine with a big
hard drive (at least 40 MB, preferably more) want to put that whopping
big memory-eating dinosaur into action when System 6 works just fine?
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 08:35:42 -0400
From: jonathan@mwunix.mitre.org (Jonathan Leblang)
Subject: Translator & Update Request
Does anyone have either an XTND or MS Word Translator for MacWrite Pro?
If so would you be kind enough to post it and/or to email it to me
(Also, if anyone has the Now Up-To-Date 2.01 updater would you please
post it - thanks in advance)
Jonathan Leblang
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 93 18:08:48 GMT
From: Michael Everson <EVERSON%IRLEARN.UCD.IE@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Utopia
I'm looking for the Utopia public domain font. I got Vtopia, a
Vietnamese version, from sumex. Anyone have Utopia?
Michael Everson
School of Architecture, UCD; Richview, Clonskeagh; Dublin 14; E/ire
Phone: +353 1 706-2745 Fax: +353 1 283-8908 Home: +353 1 478-2597
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 09:57 EDT
From: Peter T. Boag <BOAGP@QUCDN.QueensU.CA>
Subject: Vaporware withdrawal...MacBoutique (A)
I have used MacBoutique a number of times. Seems quiet a
professional outfit, shipping cheap and fast, prompt response to a
backorder problem and double shipped item on one order. You can still
beat their prices using the highest discounting mail order houses in the
US, but with the current exchange rates the gap is only 10-15%. The
biggest hassle I find with the American outfits is shipping into Canada.
They either use courier by AIR only (expensive, and at least to Kingston
not bonded so we pay additional broker and shipping fees to get it from
courier border site to our institution). Or by mail - slower, the hassle
of going to the post office, $5 handling fee etc. If the American outfits
could solve the shipping problem they would be tough to beat. But I
suggest you try MacBoutique - if their volume increases their pricing could
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 13:13:48 -0400
From: Chris Smith <cbsmith@boomer.uwaterloo.ca>
Subject: Vaporware Withdrawal Symptoms (A)
1. The Cyclone is expected to be released in August. There are no clear
indications of it's effects on the Quadra 800/Centris 650. The Cyclones
are such a different type of machine, I'd be surprised if they effect
pricing much. I *do* expect prices to drop however, because August is
"back-to-school" time, which is traditionally where Apple is most
successfull and where they try to be most competative.
2. Power PC Upgrade paths are expected for the Centris's, the Quadra
800, IIvx & IIvi.
3. I haven't used Macboutique.... Sorry.
Date: 09 Jun 1993 08:12:20 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: WorldScript how to (Q)
Could some knowledgable person please tell us how, or point to
documentation telling how to add alternate language scripts (like Hebrew)
to a system running 7.1? Where does one get the necessary files (scripts?)
Thanks much. I'd be happy to post a report of my findings.
Peter Jorgensen MS-IRM Colgate University
13 Oak Drive Research & Instructional Computing Specialist
Hamilton, NY 13346 Mac/DOS/VMS/PMDF consultant, HyperTalker
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 04:48:04 GMT
From: news@acs.ucalgary.ca
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.digest
Path: vsvankay
From: vsvankay@acs.ucalgary.ca (Hima Sagar- The Humming Bird)
Subject: MAC SE Internal HD problem help please
Message-ID: <Jun09.044803.19837@acs.ucalgary.ca>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1993 04:48:03 GMT
Distribution: na
Nntp-Posting-Host: acs5.acs.ucalgary.ca
Organization: E & C Engg., Univ. Of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
a friend of mine approached me with this problem :
Culprit : MAC SE with 20 MB harddisk configured as SCSI device: 0
symptoms :
The machine doesnt start up unless he inserts a floppy with the system
folder on it.
The harddrive is not recognized (it doesnt even appear as an icon :-()
WHen he uses HDSC setup it fails with the error :
Could not prepare the drive for initialization.
Could not wqrite to the disk.
Well, as you might have gathered already :-), I am not a MAC person, and I
really want to help this guy.
Any net.wisdom on what to do, how to proceed will be highly appreicted.
My uneducated guess is a corrupted hard drive. any takers ?
Thanx a bunch and May god bless you with many happy hours of computing.
Vidya 'Hima' Sagar -- The Humming Bird
vsvankay@acs.ucalgary.ca (or) vankay@enel.ucalgary.ca
BTW, the same applies for B&W screens. Downloading something that turns
out to require a color screen is irritating!
- Allan Hunter, probably soon-to-be owner of a 50MHz 68030 SE
running System 6.0.8, B&W screen, standard ABD keyboard, etc.
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 7:24:05 PDT
From: backmod (Info-Mac Moderator )
Subject: [*] instant-area-code.hqx
Resent-To: info-mac@sumex-aim
Resent-Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 7:24:05 PDT
Resent-From: Backup Moderator <backmod@camis.Stanford.EDU>
Message-Id: <CMM.0.88.739635845.backmod@camis.Stanford.EDU>
Apparently-To: info-mac@sumex-aim
Date: 31 May 1993 21:28:25 -0500 (EST)
From: STEIN78@wharton.upenn.edu
Subject: INSTANT Area Code.hqx
To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
Message-Id: <01GYU8QC1ICY8WW4WN@wharton.upenn.edu>
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Resent-To: backmod@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU
Resent-Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1993 21:34:53 PDT
Resent-From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod@sumex-aim.Stanford.EDU>
INSTANT Area Code is the easiest to use area code utility available for the
Macintosh. Just hit the hot key of your choice, and the Instant Area Code
program will jump into action. The second you type in the area code, the state
(and/or cities) will appear. Hit return, enter, or Command Key-Q to exit back
into the application you were working with.
No need to search on your hard drive for an Area Codes application. No need to
wait for the application to launch. No need to use the mouse at all! One key
does it all!
[Archived as /info-mac/app/instant-area-code.hqx; 48K]
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 7:35:53 PDT
From: backmod (Info-Mac Moderator )
Subject: [*] about-10.hqx
Resent-To: info-mac@sumex-aim
Resent-Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 7:35:53 PDT
Resent-From: Backup Moderator <backmod@camis.Stanford.EDU>
Message-Id: <CMM.0.88.739636553.backmod@camis.Stanford.EDU>
Apparently-To: info-mac@sumex-aim
Message-Id: <199306011555.AA09673@mozart>
Date: 1 Jun 1993 11:00:57 -0500
From: "Michael Hecht" <michael_hecht@mac.sas.com>
Subject: About 1.0
Content-Type: x-binhex4
To: "MacGifts" <macgifts@mac.archive.umich.edu>
X-Attachments: "About 1.0.sit" (type: binhex4)
Resent-To: backmod@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU
Resent-Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1993 21:37:55 PDT
Resent-From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod@sumex-aim.Stanford.EDU>
About 1.0
When I first saw the System 7 Finder's "About This Macintosh" display, I
thought it looked really cool. Then I tried to make it DO something, like
switch me to an application when I clicked its icon. I was somewhat
disappointed when nothing happened. I was even more disappointed to find I
couldn't make the display appear automatically when I started up the Mac! So,
out of frustration, I decided to write my own version.
The result is About, a process monitor. Its appearance is an unabashed
of the Finder's display; but unlike that display, you can actually use About
interact with your processes and get information on them. A little arrow
appears next to the current process. Clicking an icon switches you to its
process, and option-clicking an icon hides or shows that process, just like
Hide and Show commands in the application menu. You can customize the display
in many ways--use large icons if you prefer, or arrange the processes by their
location in memory to reveal the "holes" in your address space.
Other commands allow you to monitor background-only processes, view CPU load,
create an "icon palette" of your favorite applications, find a running
application's location on disk, and force other processes to quit. About can
also maintain a log of application activity.
And as an extra added bonus for the Internet community, About warns you if you
have more than 8 MB of physical RAM installed, but haven't enabled 32-bit
About is FREE.
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/about-10.hqx; 83K]
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 15:40:40 -0400
From: Michel Dery <Michel_Dery@UQTR.UQuebec.CA>
Subject: Fortran for Macintosh?
Hi! Everybody!
I learned Fortran a long time ago and I used it a lot since.
I have many signal analysis Fortran programs on mainframe.
Since few month I have a beautifull Macintosh and I use it for many things.
Great !
But now I would like to program it. I would like to put my mathematicals
program on it and wrap them with nice Macintosh windows and buttons.
I have bought THINK Pascal, and began the conversion ! Paradoxically, Pascal
seems to me a complicated desert. I must work hard to define everythings and
furthermore I don't have mathematical simple functions. Where are complex
numbers an complex functions ? C language does not seems more simple and
Does someone know something which would be like "THINK Fortran" or better ?
Please understand me! I have bought a Macintosh instead a PC to avoid
anything.anything and backslash or Window's problems. I have too many
occasions to fool my head with mathematical problems, I don't want to waste my
time and nerves to learn a new language which will not do the job. I would
like to find a good Fortran engine (preferably Fortran 90) which would do, not
necessary highly sophisticated, but clean and nice job. Is it an impossible
Thank you very very much!
Michel Dery
Email: dery@UQTR.uquebec.ca
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 13:12:37 -0700
From: hayes@eskimo.com (Hayes Haugen)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.digest
Path: hayes
From: hayes@eskimo.com (Hayes Haugen)
Subject: Re: Slamming Microsoft is so much fun!...
Message-ID: <C8DEsq.7L1@eskimo.com>
Organization: -> ESKIMO NORTH (206) For-Ever <-
References: <9306080144.AA16708@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 20:12:24 GMT
A couple of points:
- In your blasting of windows you forget that the mac has
many similar and worse problems; abysmal memory management,
no memory protection, a very "expansive" api.
- The sheer amount of machines out there that can run Windows
(or potentially can) far out numbers the Mac - developers
will flock to a huge market and byte should cover it..
- Byte is starting to really show their Windows bias, I agree.
- Byte used to be cool, but things like that insidious Pournelle
column and political endorsements in the editorials have shown
me that this is not a very good place to get trustworthy and
non-biased info.
- This sounds a lot like the gritching Amiga users made as their
platform went from technical darling to "obscure hobbyist machine"
(sorry fellow Amigans).
I guess that's more than a couple....
End of Info-Mac Digest